Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Turn off camera sound in hacked N78

Just came across a way to disable the camera sounds in N78 (working) (Hacked mobiles only). Didn't check it out on other mobiles.

1. Turn on "Caps Off"
2. Open X-plore
3. Goto "Z:\Private\10202be9\101F8809.txt"
4. Copy the file to "C:\Private\10202be9\101F8809.txt"
5. Edit the file "101F8809.txt"
6. At the end of the file, u will find the line

0x7 int 1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass

7. Then change it to

0x7 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass

8. Save the file and exit X-plore
9. Turn on "Caps On"
10. Turn off "Warning tones" in ur profile
11. Restart the phone.

Now it's done & No more sounds in camera!!

This worked on my N78

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